In Free Sims Play How To Get Two Teens To Get Past Serious Dating

Sims 4 Teen Woohoo Mods. If you like Basemental Drugs, the Basemental Gangs expansion is sure to pique your interest. It fleshes out the entire drug dealing aspect of the mod, allowing you to create a criminal empire and become the leader of one of four gangs. Again, dark but quite brutally realistic. Dear Free-Range Kids; On a long drive, we stopped for gas and for my 8-year-old son to use the restroom. While in the mens’ room, the lock got stuck on his stall. He couldn’t get out! I was wandering a bit in the mini-mart, but a man figured out I was his mom and let me know he was stuck. If you want to play a real player in The Sims 4, consider downloading this custom trait by modder SimsLover. You can give your Sim the 'Woohoo Lover' trait to turn him into a serious playboy (or to turn her into a serious playgirl). Your Sims with this trait will get the urge to woohoo a lot, and get more romantic buffs for woohoo-ing.

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This article was written by Jack Lloyd. Jack Lloyd is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. He has over two years of experience writing and editing technology-related articles. He is technology enthusiast and an English teacher.
This article has been viewed 292,405 times.

This wikiHow teaches you how to place two of your Sims in a relationship with each other in The Sims 4. You can do this naturally by finding a Sim and allowing your Sim to pursue the necessary social interactions; if that sounds like too much work, there's a cheat you can use to initiate a relationship.



Method 1 of 2:
Using Social Interactions
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  1. 1
    Understand the limitations. When attempting to get two Sims to form a relationship, they cannot be related, nor can they be diametrically opposed to each other's traits.
    • While it's technically possible to get two opposite Sims to date, doing so is difficult.
    • Your Sims' genders don't factor into their dating choices.
  2. 2
    Send your Sim to a social location. If you want your Sim to meet another Sim organically, you'll need to send them to a club, bar, park, or similarly social location.
    • You can also just send your Sim out into the street if there are enough Sims around.
  3. 3
    Have your Sim introduce themselves to another Sim. Select the Sim with whom you want to pair your Sim to strike up a conversation.
  4. 4
    Look for positive signs. You will see literal green '+' signs appear above both your Sim's head and the other Sim's head while they talk; if you see a large majority of these, your Sims are compatible.[1]
  5. If you see an influx of red negative signs, you'll have to find a different Sim with whom to pair your Sim.
  • 5
    Build a friendship between the two Sims. The easiest, lowest-risk way to do this is by conversing with the other Sim by selecting Friendly as a conversation option and then selecting dialogue options such as Ask About Day or Compliment Outfit.
    • You want the 'Friendship' meter to be at least 50 percent full; any lower than that, and your romantic attempts will fail.
    • Avoid flirty (pink) dialogue options when building the friendship.
  • 6
    Begin flirting. Once your two Sims are friends (e.g., the 'Friendship' bar is at 50 percent or higher), you can begin flirting with the other Sim by selecting the Romance conversation option and then selecting Flirt.
  • 7
    Wait to see if the other Sim accepts the flirting. If the other Sim is open to romance, you will see a pink bar appear below the green 'Friendship' bar under both your Sim's name and the other Sim's name.
    • If the pink bar doesn't appear, try building up the 'Friendship' bar some more before attempting to flirt again.
  • 8
    Build the 'Romance' bar to at least 30 percent. Building romance works in the same way as building friendship: select the Romance conversation option, then select light options such as Flirt or Compliment Appearance.
    • Avoid physical actions until the 'Romance' bar has grown a few times. Ideally, you'll wait to use physical options until the bar reaches the 30 percent mark.
    • If the other Sim reacts unfavorably to something you do, select the Apologize conversation option before proceeding, then go back to light flirting or complimenting.
  • 9
    Ask the Sim to date. Once the 'Romance' bar is at least 30 percent full, select the Romance menu option, then select Ask to Be Boyfriend or Ask to Be Girlfriend in the resulting menu. This will usually result in the Sim becoming your Sim's partner.[2]
  • 10
    Continue building the relationship. Once your Sim and their partner are dating, you can continue using Romance options such as holding hands, kissing, and so on to build the 'Romance' bar.
    • Once the 'Romance' bar is 50 percent full or higher, you can ask the Sim to marry your Sim. If the bar is high enough, you'll even have an Elope option.
  • Method 2 of 2:
    Using a Cheat
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    1. 1
      Find a Sim whom you want your Sim to date. Before you can use a cheat to pair your two Sims, you'll need to find the Sim whom you want your Sim to date.
    2. 2
      Note the other Sim's name. You need the first and last name of the other Sim before you can proceed.
    3. 3
      Enable the Cheats console. Press Ctrl+ Shift+C (Windows) or Command+ Shift+C (Mac) to do so. You should see a text box appear.
    4. 4
      Enter the 'Enable Cheats' command. Type in testingcheats enabled and press Enter. This will turn on cheats for your current Sims 4 game.[3]
    5. Type in the first and last name of the Sim you want to date in the same way, making sure to press the spacebar after their last name.
    6. Type in 75 and press the spacebar.
    7. Type in Friendship_Main and press Enter.
    8. Repeat this command and replace 'Friendship_Main' with 'Romance_Main'.
  • 6
    Strike up a conversation with the other Sim. Go to the Sim with whom you want to pair your Sim and start talking to them. Eventually, you should see dialogue options appear.
  • 7
    Ask the Sim to date. Since the two Sims have high 'Friendship' and 'Romance' meters, you can select the Romance dialogue category and then select Ask to Be Boyfriend or Ask to Be Girlfriend right away. This will place your Sims in a relationship.
  • Community Q&A

    Add New Question
    • What should I do when they partner up?
      Community Answer
      You can do whatever you want. For example, you can send them on a date or have them sleep in one bed. When is their relationship really good, they can even have a marriage.
    • How do I make a romantic interest in the Sims a boyfriend?
      Community Answer
      Make your Sim 'propose going steady,' and they will be boyfriend and girlfriend.
    • What does it mean if there isn't a romantic option?
      Community Answer
      If your Sim is a teen talking to a young adult, or vice versa, there won't be a romantic option. This is also the case if the two Sims are related.
    • If my Sim is already in a relationship, is there any way to get him out of it?
      Community Answer
      Click on the on your Sim's partner that he wants to break up with. Click on the 'mean' category, and there should be an option to break up.
    • How can I make Sims have sex?
      Community Answer
      You can click on a double bed and click 'woohoo with...' or you can click on the romantic category of a Sim and click 'woohoo with...' and then they can have sex.
    • What if they are married?
      Community Answer
      If a Sim is already married, they will reject romantic interactions from other Sims besides their spouse.
    • How can I get two Sims married in The Sims 4?
      Community Answer
      First they need to be boyfriend and girlfriend, as described in this article, then you'll need to get him to propose (under the 'Romance' section). After that, go into one of their phones, click 'Social event' and then click 'Wedding.'
    • Are same-sex relationships possible in the Sims 4?
      Community Answer
      Yes, you just can't try for a baby with them. (There are cheats and mods that allow two Sims of the same sex to be able to have kids though.)
    • After you are boyfriend and girlfriend, how do you become engaged?
      Community Answer
      When you have high enough romance and friendly levels, there will be an option to propose under romance. Make sure both sims have high relationship levels with each other, or else one might reject the others proposal. Also, sims with a noncommittal trait are more likely to reject proposals.
    • Is there any way for children to fall in love, or just adults?
      Community Answer
      Only adults can fall in love in the Sims 4 unless you download the child romance mod.
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    • If you feel that you need to break up, go to Mean and select Break Up. This will make the Sims hate each other. You can also go to Friendly and use Ask to Just Be Friends to reset the 'Romance' bar.
    • Try to avoid Sims who have the 'Unflirty' trait. Their romantic options are very limited and they often reject your Sim's romantic advances.


    • Being romantic too soon will creep out the other Sim. Save large (and physical) romantic gestures until the 'Romance' bar is at least a third full.

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    In Free Sims Play How To Get Two Teens To Get Past Serious Dating

    About This Article

    Tech Specialist
    This article was written by Jack Lloyd. Jack Lloyd is a Technology Writer and Editor for wikiHow. He has over two years of experience writing and editing technology-related articles. He is technology enthusiast and an English teacher. This article has been viewed 292,405 times.
    27 votes - 66%
    Updated: September 2, 2020
    Categories: Sims 4
    Article SummaryX

    To get a boyfriend or girlfriend in the Sims 4, start by sending your sim to a social location, so they can meet other sims. Once you find another sim, have your sim introduce themselves, so they start talking. During the conversation, look for positive green plus signs over the sims' heads to see if they're getting along. Once you've built a friendship between two sims, click the 'Romance' option and choose 'Flirt.' If both sims respond positively to the flirting, continue choosing 'Romance' conversation options until the 'Romance' bar reaches at least 30 percent. From here, you should be able to select 'Ask to Be Boyfriend' or 'Ask to Be Girlfriend' from the 'Romance' menu. If your sim gets rejected, try again when your 'Romance' bar reaches 50 percent. For more advice, like how to use cheats to get a boyfriend or girlfriend in the Sims 4, keep reading!

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    In other languages
    Español:conseguir un novio o una novia en Los Sims 4
    Português:Arranjar um Namorado no Sims 4
    Bahasa Indonesia:Mendapatkan Pacar di the Sims 4
    Français:débuter une relation amoureuse dans les Sims 4
    Deutsch:Einen Freund oder eine Freundin in die Sims 4 bekommen
    Nederlands:Een vriend of vriendin krijgen in De Sims 4
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    Relationships are a key factor of communication between Sims in The Sims FreePlay. They are also an excellent way to earn XP.

    • 2Romantic Relationships
    • 4Teen Relationships

    Friendly Relationships[]

    There are several stages to a friendly relationship. To create a friendly relationship between two Sims, have them do interactions such as 'Be Nice', 'Bro Hug', or 'Chest Bump'. As a pair of Sims advance through each stage, they earn a certain amount of Simoleons and XP (experience points). Once the Sims reach the Best Friend stage, they cannot go over it and it will stay that way unless they are romantic or unfriendly.

    • Acquaintance +100XP
    • Friend +150XP
    • Good Friend +200XP
    • Best Friend +300XP
    Acquaintance stage
    Friend stage
    Good Friend stage

    In Free Sims Play How To Get Two Teens To Get Past Serious Dating Stories

    Best Friend stage

    Romantic Relationships []

    In Free Sims Play How To Get Two Teens To Get Past Serious Dating Issues

    There are several stages to romantic relationships. To create a romantic relationship between two Sims, have them do actions such as 'Be Romantic' and 'Kiss Hand' (only for budding romance or above) or 'WooHoo' (only available for partners, engaged and married). As a pair of Sims advance through each stage, a certain amount of Simoleons and XP will be received.

    • Budding Romance + 150xp - Kiss Cheek
    • Date + 200xp - Kiss Hand
    • Partners + 250xp - WooHoo, Propose Marriage
    • Engaged + 300xp
    • Married + 350xp

    If a Sim has a romantic interaction with another Sim then their Partner (within Date and above), their relationship with that Partner will deteriorate, and the player has the option to 'Break Up'. Both Sims will become Acquaintances, and the player must start over from scratch if they want to restore that relationship.


    When two Sims become Partners, the option of 'Propose Marriage' is available. You will be prompted to buy an engagement ring. The higher in value the ring, the more likely the Sim will accept. After the sim accepts, they will become engaged. The two Sims will not be married until they move in together. Only a married couple can buy a crib and have a baby (click on the crib and you will be prompted to create the baby).

    If a married couple breaks up, the player will need an Eternity Ring to instantly get them back together, which costs 10 LP. If not, the player must start over again from scratch.

    Nemesis Relationships[]

    There are several stages to unfriendly relationships. To create an unfriendly relationship between two Sims, have them do actions such as 'Be Rude', 'Complain', 'Rude Hand Gesture' & the 'Slap'. As a pair of Sims advance through each stage, a certain amount of Simoleonsand XP will be received. Once the Sims reach Nemesis, they cannot go over it and it will stay that way unless they're nice to each other to become friends.

    • Dislike + 150xp - Fake Hand Shake
    • Enemy + 200xp - Rude Gesture
    • Nemesis + 300xp - Slap Sim

    Teen Relationships[]

    Relationships may take a little longer for Teen Sims. Instead of one minute, they take five minutes to finish.

    Teen Idol Relationships[]

    In Free Sims Play How To Get Two Teens To Get Past Serious DatingIn free sims play how to get two teens to get past serious dating problems

    There's a new hobby in the Teen Update, named Teen Idol. Teen Idols can interact with other Teens such as 'Take Selfie with Fan', 'Help Swooning Fan' and 'Sign Autograph'. To have this interaction with Teen Idols, you need to finish the quest 'The Road To Fame”. Teen Idols can 'Take Selfie With Fan' if they are good friends or best friends with another teen. 'Help Swooning Fan' and 'Sign Autograph' is for good friend and best friend relationship stages only.

    Preteen Relationships[]

    In Free Sims Play How To Get Two Teens To Get Past Serious Dating Questions

    While Preteen Sims' relationships are similar to those of Teen and Adult Sims, they cannot have romantic relationships.

    If a Teen and a Preteen dislike each other, the teen might give a noogie to the preteen.

    Relationship interaction colors[]

    There are four different coloured interactions available for your Sims to perform.

    • Green interactions will cultivate friendship between Sims.
    • Purple or Pink interactions will cultivate a romance between Sims.
    • Red interactions will degrade the current relationship and eventually give Sims the option to break up if they are romantically involved or divorce if they are married.
    • Blue interactions mean Sims will be strangers or acquaintances in this stage.


    In Free Sims Play How To Get Two Teens To Get Past Serious Dating Skills

    • Sims cannot be romantic with each other until you complete the 'Love Is In The Air ' quest.
      • Only Adult and Senior Sims can WooHoo.
      • A Sim may have multiple Partners, but any romantic interaction with one Partner will lead to the other(s) to dislike the current Partner.
    • Married Sims cannot have babies until you complete the 'Two And A Half Sims' quest.