Cyber Predators In Online Dating Free Pictures

Wоmеn ѕhоuld always bе cаutiоuѕ when it cоmеѕ tо the dаting ѕcеnе, but fоr оnlinе dаting this fаct iѕ much truеr. Thаt dоеѕn’t mеаn that уоu ѕhоuldn’t trу tо mееt ѕоmеоnе оnlinе оr mоvе the rеlаtiоnѕhiр tо аn оfflinе tуре оf mееting, but it dоеѕ mеаn that уоu ѕhоuld ѕtау ѕаfе аnd tаkе the right рrеcаutiоnѕ.

Prоtеct Yоur Pеrѕоnаl Infоrmаtiоn

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If ѕоmеоnе iѕ аѕking уоu fоr mоrе infоrmаtiоn than уоu’d like tо give, dоn’t bе аfrаid tо tеll them nо! It ѕhоuld rаiѕе ѕоmе rеd flаgѕ if уоu chооѕе tо nоt give оut уоur infоrmаtiоn аnd the реrѕоn аѕking уоu bеcоmеѕ аngrу. Mоѕt реорlе lооking tо mееt ѕоmеоnе оnlinе wоuld understand the nееd fоr рrivаcу аnd will mоѕt likely wаnt tо рrоtеct theirs аѕ wеll until а cеrtаin lеvеl оf trust iѕ еѕtаbіlѕhеd. Kеер уоur hоmе аddrеѕѕ, рhоnе numbеr, finаnciаl infоrmаtiоn, fаmilу mеmbеr’ѕ nаmеѕ, аnd аnуthing еlѕе уоu fееl iѕ реrѕоnаl tо уоurѕеlf until уоu knоw уоu’rе rеаdу tо ѕhаrе it. Thе grеаt thing аbоut chаtting оnlinе iѕ that if ѕоmеоnе mаkеѕ уоu fееl uncomfortable, mоѕt ѕitеѕ will аllоw уоu tо ѕimрlу blоck them, оr уоu cаn rероrt them tо the ѕitе аdminiѕtrаtоr. Evеn if уоu just gеt аn оdd fееling frоm ѕоmеоnе, уоu cаn chооѕе nоt tо rерlу tо their mеѕѕаgеѕ аnd mоvе оn tо mееting ѕоmеоnе nеw. Sоmе реорle mау think оnlinе dаting cаn bе tоо risky, but it can actually be ѕаfеr bу аllоwing уоu tо gеt tо knоw ѕоmеоnе well, bеfоrе mееting them.

Mееt In а Sаfе Plаcе

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Onе оf the mоѕt important ѕаfеtу аѕреctѕ of оnlinе dаting iѕ creating а ѕаfе еnvirоnmеnt fоr the firѕt dаtе. Mееting in а рublic рlаcе iѕ а muѕt аnd if the person уоu’rе mееting iѕ оvеrlу рuѕhу аbоut mееting in рrivаtе, it mау bе а gооd idеа tо cаncеl оr аt lеаѕt dеlау the mееting. Mоѕt prospective date’s will bе understanding аnd will wаnt уоu tо fееl ѕаfе, ѕо mееting ѕоmеоnе that dоеѕn’t cаrе аbоut уоur ѕеnѕе оf wеll bеing mау nоt bе the tуре оf person that’s wоrth mееting. Tаkе ѕераrаtе cаrѕ tо the mееting рlаcе аnd hаvе а friend chеck in with уоu раrt wау through the dаtе tо mаkе ѕurе уоu’rе оkау. If уоu fееl uncomfortable аt аnу роint, dоn’t hеѕitаtе tо mаkе аn еxcuѕе аnd lеаvе. Yоu mау fееl that уоu dоn’t wаnt tо оffеnd уоur dаtе, but it’s bеttеr tо kеер уоurѕelf ѕаfе аnd trust уоur intuition.

Trust Yоur Inѕtinctѕ

When dеciding when it’s the right time tо mоvе уоur rеlаtiоnѕhiр frоm оnlinе tо оfflinе, uѕе уоur judgement аnd inѕtinctѕ tо dеcidе if уоu’rе rеаdу. If уоu fеel that уоu’vе mаdе а cоnnеctiоn аnd cаn trust this реrѕоn, it mау bе time tо organize a live dаtе. It’s important tо still be wary and on your guard, but mееting uр with ѕоmеоnе уоu’vе mеt оnlinе dоеѕn’t mеаn уоu hаvе tо bе раrаnоid gоing intо the dаtе. Kеерing а fеw ѕаfеtу tiрѕ in mind will аllоw уоu tо рrоtеct уоurѕеlf while hаving а grеаt time mееting ѕоmеоnе nеw, and enjoy the experience.

The Alien 3: The Gun arcade game cabinet

Cyber Predators In Online Dating Free Pictures

This is a chronological list of games in the Alien, Predator and Alien vs. Predatorscience fictionhorror franchises. There have been thirty-eight officially licensed video games, one trading card game, and one tabletop miniatures game released as tie-ins to the franchises.

The first video game of the Alien franchise was released in 1982 for the Atari 2600, based on the 1979 film Alien. Subsequent games were based on that film and its sequels Aliens (1986), Alien 3 (1992), and Alien Resurrection (1997). The first video game in the Predator franchise was released in 1987, the same year as the Predator film on which it was based. Subsequent Predator games were based on that film and its sequels Predator 2 (1990) and Predators (2010). The first game to cross the two franchises was Alien vs. Predator, released in September 1993 and based on an earlier comic book series. Since then the characters and storylines of the two franchises have been officially crossed over in comic books, video games, and the feature films Alien vs. Predator (2004) and Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem (2007). To date, there have been seventeen officially licensed video games released in the Alien franchise, six in the Predator franchise, and fourteen in the Alien vs. Predator franchise. These have been created by various developers and released for a variety of platforms including video game consoles, handheld game consoles, personal computers, and mobile phones. The Aliens vs. Predator Collectible Card Game published in 1997 and the Alien vs. Predator themed sets for HorrorClix released in 2006 are the only non-video games in the franchises.

The stories of the games are set in a fictional universe in which alien races and species have dangerous conflicts with humans and with each other. The games pit human, Alien, and Predator characters against one another in various fights for survival. The settings of the games vary, with most of the stories taking place far in the future. Games have been released for the following platforms; Atari 2600, Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, Amstrad CPC, Apple IIe, MSX, Acorn Electron, Atari ST, BBC Micro, Nintendo Entertainment System, Amiga, Arcade, PC, Sega Master System, Sega Game Gear, Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, Game Boy, Atari Jaguar, PlayStation, Sega Saturn, Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Game Boy Color, PlayStation 2, Xbox, Mobile phone, PlayStation Portable, Online, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad, Mobile device, Nintendo DS, Android, Wii U, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PlayStation Vita, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Steam, VR, and Amazon Alexa.

Video games[edit]

Titles released in the 1980s[edit]


Original release date(s):[1][2]
Release years by system:
1982—Atari 2600[2]
  • Developed and published by Fox Video Games[1][2]
  • Based on the 1979 film Alien.[3][4]
  • A Pac-Man style maze video game in which the player controls a human who must collect eggs while avoiding aliens.[3][4]

Original release date(s):[5][6]
  • NA: 1984
Release years by system:
1984—Commodore 64,[5]ZX Spectrum
1985—Amstrad CPC[6]
  • Developed by Amsoft, Concept Software Ltd., and Argus Press Software Ltd.[6][7]
  • Published by Argus Press Software Ltd.[6]
  • Based on the 1979 film Alien.[7]

Original release date(s):[8]
  • NA: 1986
Release years by system:
1986—Commodore 64,[8]ZX Spectrum
1987—Apple IIe, Amstrad CPC
  • Developed by Activision and Mr. Micro.[9][10]
  • Published in North America by Activision and in Europe by Electric Dreams Software.[9][10]
  • Based on the 1986 film Aliens.[10]

Original release date(s):[11][12]
  • EU: 1987
Release years by system:
1987—Amstrad CPC,[13]Commodore 64,[13]MSX,[11]ZX Spectrum[12]
  • Developed by Software Studios.[12]
  • Published in Europe and North America by Electric Dreams Software and Ricochet,[11][12] and in Spain by Proein Soft Line.
  • Based on the 1986 film Aliens.[12]

Original release date(s):[14][15]
  • JP: June 10, 1987
Release years by system:
  • Developed and published by Square[15][16]
  • Based on the 1986 film Aliens.[15]
  • Released only in Japan. The title appears in both English and Japanese on the packaging, with the English title as Aliens and the Japanese title translating as Alien 2.[15]
  • A planned port of this game for the Famicom Disk System was cancelled.[17]
  • The soundtrack was done by the Japanese composer, Nobuo Uematsu.[3]

Original release date(s):[18][19]
Release years by system:
1987—Amstrad CPC,[19]Commodore 64,[20]ZX Spectrum[21]
1988—Acorn Electron,[22][23]Atari ST,[24][25]BBC Micro,[26]MSX[27]Nintendo Entertainment System,[18]
  • Developed by Software Studios, Klon (MSX), Source and GlenHills Graphics, Pack-In-Video (NES)[18]
  • Published by Activision, Superior Software, The Hit Squad, and Pack-In-Video.[18][30]
  • Based on the 1987 film Predator.
  • The NES and MSX versions of the game differed.
  • The NES version was also known as 'Predator- Soon the hunt will begin'.

Titles released in the 1990s[edit]


Original release date(s):[31]
  • NA: 1990
  • AU: 1990
Release years by system:
  • Developed and published by Konami.[31]
  • Based on the 1986 film Aliens.[32]

Original release date(s):[33][34]
  • EU: 1991
Release years by system:
1991—Amiga,[35]Amstrad CPC,[36]Atari ST,[37]Commodore 64,[38]ZX Spectrum[34]
  • Developed by Oxford Mobius and Arc Developments.[33][35]
  • Published by Konami.[33][35]
  • Based on the 1990 film Predator 2.

Original release date(s):[39][40]
  • NA: 1992
Release years by system:
1991—Sega Master System[39]
1992—Sega Game Gear,[41]Sega Mega Drive/Genesis[42]
  • Developed by Perfect 10, Perfect Entertainment, and Teeny Weeny Games.[42]
  • Published by Arena Entertainment.[42]
  • Based on the 1990 film Predator 2.

Original release date(s):[43][44][45][46]
  • JP: May 27, 1994
Release years by system:
1992—Amiga,[43]Commodore 64,[44][47]Sega Master System[45]
1993—Nintendo Entertainment System,[48][49]Sega Mega Drive/Genesis[50][51]
1994—Sega Game Gear[46][52]
  • Developed by Probe Entertainment and Eden Entertainment Software.[53][54]
  • Published In North America, Europe, and Japan by Arena Entertainment, Acclaim Entertainment, LJN, and Virgin Interactive,[43][54] and in Brazil by Tectoy.[55]
  • Based on the 1992 film Alien 3.

Original release date(s):[56]
  • NA: September 1993
Release years by system:
1993—Super Nintendo Entertainment System[57]
  • Developed by Jorudan.[57][58]
  • Published by Activision (NA, PAL) and IGS (JP).[57][58]
  • The Japanese version is titled Aliens vs. Predator[56] and has gameplay differences from the international version.

Original release date(s):[59][60]
  • NA: January 1993
Release years by system:
1993—Game Boy[59][60]
  • Developed by Bits Studios.[59][60]
  • Published by LJN.[59][60]
  • Based on the 1992 film Alien 3.

Original release date(s):[61]
  • JP: July 9, 1993
Release years by system:
1993—Super Nintendo Entertainment System[55][61]
  • Developed by Probe Entertainment.[55][61]
  • Published by LJN.[55][61]
  • Based on the 1992 film Alien 3.

Original release date(s):[62]
  • JP: September 24, 1993
Release years by system:
1993—Game Boy[63][64]
  • Developed by ASK Kodansha.[63][64]
  • Published by Activision.[63][64]
  • The Japanese version is titled Alien vs. Predator.[62]

Original release date(s):[65]
  • JP: 1993
Release years by system:
  • Published by Sega.[66]
  • Based on the 1992 film Alien 3.
  • First-personlight gun shooter genre.
  • Runs on Sega System 32arcade system board.

Original release date(s):[67]
Release years by system:
  • Developed and published by Capcom.[68]

Original release date(s):[69]
  • NA: October 20, 1994
Release years by system:
1994—Atari Jaguar[70][71]
  • Developed by Rebellion Developments.[70][71]
  • Published by Atari.[70][71]

Original release date(s):[72]
  • NA: 1995
Release years by system:
  • Published by Mindscape.[73]

Original release date(s):[74][75]
  • EU: March, 1996
Release years by system:
1996—PlayStation,[74]Sega Saturn,[75]PC[76]
  • Developed by Probe Entertainment.[77][78]
  • Published by Acclaim Entertainment.[77][78]
  • Based on the films Alien (1979), Aliens (1986), and Alien 3 (1992).

Original release date(s):[79]
  • NA: March 31, 1998
Release years by system:
  • Developed by Mythic Entertainment.[80]
  • Published by Kesmai.[80]
  • First-person online shooter/action game where two teams of marines and aliens fought each other.[81]
  • Required GameStorm gaming service subscription.[81]
  • The budget for the game was $450,000 USD.[82]

Original release date(s):[83]
  • EU: May 25, 1999
Release years by system:
  • Developed by Rebellion Developments.[84]
  • Published by Fox Interactive.[84]
  • Aliens versus Predator 2 is a sequel to this game.

Titles released in the 2000s[edit]


Original release date(s):[86]
  • NA: October 10, 2000
Release years by system:
  • Developed by Argonaut Games.[87]
  • Published by Fox Interactive.[87][88]
  • Based on the 1997 film Alien: Resurrection.
  • Planned ports of this game for the Sega Dreamcast and PC were cancelled.[89]

Original release date(s):[90]
  • NA: March 30, 2001
Release years by system:
2001—Game Boy Color[91][92][93]
  • Developed by Wicked Witch Software and Crawfish Interactive.[91][92][93]
  • Published by THQ.[91][92]

Original release date(s):[94]
  • EU: October 22, 2001
Release years by system:
  • Developed by Monolith Productions.[95][96]
  • Published for the PC by Fox Interactive and for the Macintosh by MacPlay.[95][96][97]
  • This game is a sequel to Aliens versus Predator (1999).
  • An expansion pack entitled Aliens versus Predator 2: Primal Hunt was released in 2002.
  • A planned port of this game for the PlayStation 2 was cancelled.[98]

Original release date(s):[99]
  • NA: August 13, 2002
Release years by system:
  • Developed by Third Law Interactive.[100][101]
  • Published by Sierra Entertainment.[100][101]
  • This game is an expansion pack for Aliens versus Predator 2.

Original release date(s):[102]
  • NA: July 30, 2003
Release years by system:
2003—PlayStation 2,[103][104]Xbox[105][106]
  • Developed by Zono.[103][104]
  • Published by Electronic Arts.[103][104]

Original release date(s):[107][108]
  • NA: November 25, 2003
Release years by system:
2003—Mobile phone[108][109]
  • Developed and published by Sorrent.[108][109]

Alien vs. Predator

Original release date(s):[110]
Release years by system:
2004—Mobile phone[111]
  • Developed by Superscape.[111]
  • Published by Superscape and 3D Wireless Games.[111][112]
  • Based on the 2004 film Alien vs. Predator.

Original release date(s):[113]
  • NA: November 10, 2004
Release years by system:
2004—Mobile phone[114][115]
  • Developed and published by Indiagames.[114][115]

Alien vs. Predator

Original release date(s):[116]
Release years by system:
2004—Mobile phone[117][118]
  • Developed by Wicked Witch Software.[118]
  • Published by Elite Systems.[117]
  • Based on the 2004 film Alien vs. Predator.

Original release date(s):[119]
  • EU: April 15, 2005
Release years by system:
2005—PlayStation 2,[120][121]Xbox[122][123]
  • Developed by Eurocom.[120][121]
  • Published by Vivendi.[120][121]

Original release date(s):[124]
  • NA: November, 2005
Release years by system:
2005—Mobile phone[125]
  • Developed and published by Superscape.[125][126]
  • Based on the 2004 film Alien vs. Predator.

Aliens: Extermination

Original release date(s):[127]
Release years by system:
  • Developed by Play Mechanix.[128][129]
  • Published by Global VR.[128][129]

Original release date(s):[130]
  • NA: November 13, 2007
  • AU: December 6, 2007
Release years by system:
2007—PlayStation Portable[131][132]
  • Developed by Rebellion Developments.[131][132]
  • Published by Sierra Entertainment.[131][132]
  • Based on the 2007 film Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem.

AVP: PredAlien Builder and Game

Original release date(s):
Release years by system:
  • Based on the 2007 film Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem.

Original release date(s):
  • NA: 2007
Release years by system:
  • Published by 20th Century Fox.
  • Developed by 20th Century Fox.
  • Based on the 2007 film Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem.

AVPR: Combat Evolved

Original release date(s):
Release years by system:
  • Developed and published by Gameloft.
  • Based on the 2007 film Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem.

Original release date(s):[citation needed]
  • NA: 2007
Release years by system:
2007—Mobile phone[citation needed]
  • Developed and published by Superscape.[citation needed]
  • Based on the 2007 film Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem.
  • This game is a sequel to Superscape's 2004 Alien vs. Predator title.

CR: Alien vs. Predator

Original release date(s):
Release years by system:
  • Developed and published by Cross Media International and Twentieth Century Fox.
  • Based on the 2004 film Alien vs. Predator.

Original release date(s):[citation needed]
  • NA: 2008
Release years by system:
2008—Mobile phone[citation needed]
  • Developed and published by IG Fun.[citation needed]
  • This game is a sequel to 2004's Predator title for mobile phones.

Titles released in the 2010s[edit]


Original release date(s):[133]
  • NA: February 16, 2010
  • EU: February 19, 2010
Release years by system:
2010—PC,[134][135]PlayStation 3,[136][137]Xbox 360[138][139]
  • Developed by Rebellion Developments.[136][137]
  • Published by Sega.[136][137]

Predator or Prey

Original release date(s):
Release years by system:
  • Published by 20th Century Fox.
  • Developed by 20th Century Fox.
  • Based on the 2010 film Predators.

Original release date(s):[142]
  • NA: July 9, 2010
Release years by system:
2010—iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad[142]
  • Published by Chillingo.[142]
  • Developed by Angry Mob Games.[142]
  • Based on the 2010 film Predators.[142]


Original release date(s):
Release years by system:
  • Published by Gameloft.
  • Developed by Gameloft.
  • Based on the 2010 film Predators.

Original release date(s):
  • NA: 2010
Release years by system:
  • Published by Game in' Action Ltd..
  • Developed by Game in' Action Ltd..
  • Based on the 2010 film Predators.

Original release date(s):[143]
  • EU: September 30, 2011
Release years by system:
2011—Nintendo DS[144]
  • Published by Sega.
  • Developed by WayForward and Gearbox Software.
  • This is a different game from the fanmade game demo with the same name.[145][146][147]

Original release date(s):[148]
Release years by system:
2013—PC,[149][150]PlayStation 3,[151][152]Xbox 360[153][154]
  • Developed by Gearbox Software.[153][154]
  • Published by Sega.[153][154]
  • Set after the events of Alien 3 (1992).
  • This is a different game from the cancelled 2002 Aliens: Colonial Marines title developed by Fox Interactive, Check Six Games, and Electronic Arts for the PlayStation 2.
  • Aliens: Colonial Marines was initially forecast for a 2009 release, but its development was delayed in favor of Aliens vs. Predator.[155][156]
  • Versions of the game were planned for the Nintendo DS in 2009,[155] and the Wii U in 2011.[157] The former version was never confirmed to be in development, and the latter version was being developed, but was then further delayed and eventually confirmed as cancelled in April 2013,[158] likely due to the notorious negativity surrounding the game at that point in time.

Original release date(s):
  • NA: August 6, 2014
Release years by system:
2013—Android, iPhone, iPod Touch, iPad Ouya
  • Published by Fox Digital Entertainment.
  • Developed by Angry Mob Games.

Aliens: Armageddon

Original release date(s):
Release years by system:
  • Developed by Play Mechanix.
  • Published by Raw Thrills.
  • Some locations only include the first three stages of the game.

Original release date(s):[159]
  • NA/EU: October 7, 2014
Release years by system:
2014—PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One[160]
2019—Nintendo Switch
  • Developed by The Creative Assembly.[160]
  • Published by Sega.[160]
  • Based on the films Alien (1979) and Aliens (1986).

Aliens vs. Pinball

Original release date(s):[161]
April 26, 2016
Release years by system:
2016—Android, iOS, PC, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One

2017—Nintendo Switch

  • Developed by Zen Studios.
  • Expansion Pack for Zen Pinball 2, Pinball FX 2 and Pinball FX 3
  • Published by Zen Studios.
  • Contains 3 tables, based on the films Aliens (1986), and Alien vs. Predator (2004), as well as the 2014 video game Alien: Isolation.

Alien: Covenant In Utero

Original release date(s):
Release years by system:
  • Produced by FoxNext VR Studio and MPC VR.
  • Distributed by 20th Century Fox.
  • Based upon the 2017 film Alien: Covenant.

Original release date(s):
  • NA: 2017
Release years by system:
  • Developed by Play Mechanix.
  • Published by Raw Thrills.
  • Based upon the 2017 film Alien: Covenant.
  • This game is actually a rebranded version of Aliens: Armageddon.

Alien: Descent

Original release date(s):
Release years by system:
  • Developed by Pure Imagination Studios.
  • Published by Pure Imagination Studios.

Original release date(s):
  • NA: 2018
Release years by system:
2018—Amazon Alexa
  • Developed by 20th Century Fox.
  • Published by 20th Century Fox.

Predator VR

Original release date(s):
Release years by system:
  • Developed by 20th Century Fox.
  • Published by 20th Century Fox.

Original release date(s):
January 24, 2019
Release years by system:
2019—iOS, Android
  • Developed by FoxNext, D3 Go, Theory Interactive, and Rival Games.
  • Published by FoxNext, D3 Go, Theory Interactive, and Rival Games.
  • Narrative sequel to Alien: Isolation.

Titles released in the 2020s[edit]


Original release date(s):[162]
April 24, 2020
Release years by system:
2020—PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows
  • Developed by IllFonic
  • Published by Sony Interactive Entertainment

Original release date(s):[163]
August 24, 2021
Release years by system:
2021—PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Microsoft Windows
  • Developed and Published by Cold Iron Studios.

Cancelled titles[edit]


Cancellation date:
Proposed system release:
  • Developed by Dark Vision Interactive.
  • Published by Dark Vision Interactive.

Cancellation date:
Proposed system release:
1992—LCD game
  • Developed by Tiger Electronics.
  • Published by Tiger Electronics.
  • The game was based upon the cancelled animated series Operation: Aliens.

Cancellation date:[164]
Proposed system release:
1994—Atari Lynx[164]
  • Developed by Image (company).[164]
  • Published by Atari Corporation.[164]
  • This is a different game from other Alien(s) vs. Predator titles by other developers for other gaming platforms.

Cancellation date:
Proposed system release:
2000—PC, Dreamcast
  • Developed by Argonaut Games.
  • Published by Fox Interactive.

Cancellation date:[165]
October 11, 2002
Proposed system release:
2002—PlayStation 2[166]
  • Developed by Fox Interactive and Check-Six.[166]
  • Published by Electronic Arts.[165]
  • Sequel to the 1986 film Aliens.[166]
  • This is a different game from the 2013 title Aliens: Colonial Marines by Gearbox Software and Sega.

Cancellation date:[167]
Proposed system release:
2004—Game Boy Advance[167]
  • Published by Ubisoft.[167]
  • Based on the 2004 film Alien vs. Predator.
  • This is a different game from other Alien(s) vs. Predator titles by other developers for other gaming platforms.

Cancellation date:[168]
Proposed system release:
2009—PC, Xbox 360, Playstation 3
  • Developed by Obsidian Entertainment.[168]
  • Published by Sega.

Cancellation date:
Proposed system release:
2013—Wii U
  • Developed by Gearbox Software.
  • Published by Sega.

Related titles[edit]


Original release date(s):[169]
Release years by system:
1982 – Apple II
  • Developed and published by Avalon Hill.
  • Gameplay and story based on the 1979 film Alien.
  • This game is not part of the Alien, Predator, or Alien vs. Predator franchises. It is unrelated to the official 1982 and 1984 Alien computer games developed by Fox Video Games, Amsoft, Concept Software Ltd., and Argus Press Software Ltd.


Original release date(s):[170]
Release years by system:
1982 – Sinclair ZX81
  • Published by Personal Software Services.
  • Gameplay and story based on the 1979 film Alien.
  • This game is not part of the Alien, Predator, or Alien vs. Predator franchises. It is unrelated to the official 1982 and 1984 Alien computer games developed by Fox Video Games, Amsoft, Concept Software Ltd., and Argus Press Software Ltd.

Original release date(s):
Release years by system:
2013 – Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3
  • Developed by Infinity Ward.
  • Released as part of the Devastation DLC.
  • The Predator is available as a Field Order.
  • This game is not part of the Alien, Predator, or Alien vs. Predator franchises.

Original release date(s):
Release years by system:
2015 – Facebook
  • Developed by Plarium.
  • Alien and Predator are available as playable characters.
  • This game is not part of the Alien, Predator, or Alien vs. Predator franchises.

Original release date(s):
Release years by system:
2015 – Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, PlayStation 4, iOS, Android
  • Developed by Netherrealm Studios.
  • Alien and Predator are available as playable characters.
  • This game is not part of the Alien, Predator, or Alien vs. Predator franchises.

Original release date(s):
Release years by system:
2017 – Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, PlayStation 4
  • Developed by Ubisoft Paris.
  • The Predator is available as an enemy.
  • This game is not part of the Alien, Predator, or Alien vs. Predator franchises.

Original release date(s):
Release years by system:
2017 – Microsoft Windows, macOS, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Nintendo Switch, Android
  • Developed by Epic Games.
  • The Predator is available as a playable character in Chapter 2, Season 5 as a secret outfit in the Battle Pass.
  • This game is not part of the Alien, Predator, or Alien vs. Predator franchises.

Card games[edit]

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List of card games based on the Alien franchise.
GameRelease yearDesignerPublisherNotesRef.
Aliens Predator Customizable Card Game1997Ran Ackels, Paul Brown, David Hewitt, John MylerHarper Prism, Precedence PublishingBetter known as the 'Premiere Edition' set* Published by Precedence Entertainment and Harper Prism.[172]
Aliens Predator Customizable Card Game: Alien Resurrection Expansion Set1998Michael Pease, Hans Rueffert, Sean CurranHarper Prism, Precedence PublishingExpansion to Aliens Predator Customizable Card Game (1997)[173]
Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game2014Ben Cichoski, Daniel MandelUpper Deck Entertainment[174]
Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game Expansion2016Ben Cichoski, Daniel MandelUpper Deck EntertainmentExpansion to Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game (2016)[175]
Vs System 2PCG: The Alien Battles2016Ben Cichoski, Daniel MandelUpper Deck Entertainment[176]

Board games[edit]

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List of board games based on the Alien franchise.
GameRelease yearDesignerPublisherNotesRef.
Alien1979(Uncredited)Editrice Giochi, Kenner[177]
Obcy1988Artur GórskiGambit[178]
Aliens1989David McKenzie, Barry NakazonoLeading Edge Games[179]
Operation: Aliens1993(Uncredited)Peter Pan Playthings Ltd[180]
Aliens2001Lloyd KrassnerWarp Spawn Games[181]
Alien Skirmish2004Lloyd KrassnerWarp Spawn Games[182]
Aliens: This Time It's War2010Mark Chaplin(Self-Published)Unauthorized game[183]
Чужие против хищника2010N/AZvezda[184]
Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins2015Jarek Ewertowski, Grzegorz OleksyProdos Games, Ltd[185]
Alien vs Predator: Alien Warriors Expansion2015N/AProdos Games, LtdExpansion to Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins (2015)[186]
Alien VS Predator: Unleashed2017N/AProdos Games, LtdExpansion to Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins (2015)[187]
Battle Yahtzee: Alien vs. Predator2016N/AUSAopoly[188]
CLUE: Alien vs. Predator2016N/AUSAopoly[189]
Alien VS Predator: Hot Landing Zone2019N/AProdos Games, LtdExpansion to Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins (2015)[190]

Role-playing game[edit]

List of role-playing games based on the Alien franchise.
GameRelease yearDesignerPublisherNotesRef.
Aliens Adventure Game1991David McKenzie, Barry NakazonoLeading Edge Games[191]
ALIENS: Colonial Marines Technical Manual1995Lee Brimmicombe-WoodBoxtree Publishing[192]
Mars Patrol1999Randal Snyder(Web published)Sundered Epochs: Aliens Versus Predator series[193][194]
Alien Subversion2000Randal Snyder(Web published)Sundered Epochs: Aliens Versus Predator series[193][195]
The Hunt2004Randal Snyder(Web published)Sundered Epochs: Aliens Versus Predator series[193][196]
Aliens: Game Over2004Dan McAllister, Scott Middlebrook, Michael J. Tresca(Web published)[197]
Aliens Versus Predator2009Randal Snyder(Web published)[198]
Christmas on the Moon2015Michael Mørk, Anders Troelsen(Web published)[199]
Alien: The Roleplaying Game2019Tomas Härenstam, Andrew E.C. GaskaFree League Publishing[200]

Miniatures games[edit]


Original release date(s):
Release years by system:
  • Published by Wizkids.

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Dating Free

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